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Category: Equipment

Spearfishing Pre-Season Checklist: Things you need to do!

Spearfishing Pre-Season Checklist: Things you need to do!

Pre-season checklist! With the long winter now loosening its grip, the fish are starting to move back into shallower waters. And we’re all eager to get back to our favourite spots and catch some fish. But let’s not get too ahead of ourselves, just yet! That diving gear has likely been sat around unused and unmoved for a few months. So before we rush into the water and realise that somethings wrong, let’s go over a basic pre-season checklist to…

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The Best Spearfishing Fins For You? Carbon vs Plastic

The Best Spearfishing Fins For You? Carbon vs Plastic

Your choice of fins for Spearfishing is likely going to be based on cost. At least, at first. When you’re starting a new sport or hobby you just want equipment that’s reliable to get you hooked. And when it comes to starting out Spearfishing, your fins need to be just that. A reliable piece of equipment. It’s really only when you’re more experienced when you’re going to question the efficiency of your fins. And that, is the basis of this…

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Types of Speargun

Types of Speargun

As I’m sure you’re now aware, there’s a lot more to Spearguns than first meets the eye. You’ll be shopping around looking for the perfect Speargun when something weird and wonderful catches your eye. In this article we’re going to look at the types of Speargun, focusing on the 3 most commonly used. These are: Banded Spearguns, Pneumatic Spearguns, Roller Spearguns. Although Roller Spearguns technically come under the Banded category, you’ll soon see why I’ve chosen to single them out…

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Where To Buy Spearfishing Equipment

Where To Buy Spearfishing Equipment

Once you get the idea of wanting to start Spearfishing, one of the first things you’ll wonder is ‘where am i going to buy Spearfishing Equipment from?’ Well, this is a question with loads of answers to, but knowing who you can trust with your money is another thing entirely. I have seen circumstances where people have paid for gear to never have to show up. So to avoid anyone making that same mistake, I’ve listed all of the best…

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Spearfishing Floats, Buoys and Boards

Spearfishing Floats, Buoys and Boards

As you become more of an avid Spearo and meet up with other divers, or just browse online for new equipment – you’ll notice that Spearfishing floats come in all shapes and sizes. Whether it be a simple Torpedo Float, body board, a more circular buoy type body with a flag in the middle, they are all designed for the same purpose. To keep you safe. To ensure that the surface world can see you whilst you’re in the water….

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